Quik•Grade is the smart grade rod that significantly reduces human error and manual calculations, saving you time and money.
Quik•Grade has sensors along the entire length to detect the laser beam. Simply turn on your laser and set your Quik•Grade to the benchmark elevation labeled on your blueprint.

Quik•Grade is a time saver! We all know time is money. It saves time on the plumbing, the electrical, all of your underground utilities. Within minutes I can be out checking grading, contractors, utilities, concrete and as you know when the owner is happy, we’re all happy.

I like Quik•Grade because I know right away when I remove and replace an area, I can shoot the area with Quik•Grade and I’ll know before I remove the area what kind of grade issues I’ll have, how much rock I’ll need to bring in. I’ll know right away the inches of fall I’ll need to make it happen and this eliminates any errors.
Latest News
Read the latest news about Quik•Grade and discover how this revolutionary new grade rod can nearly eliminate errors for your business, save you valuable time, and make your business more profitable.
Quik•Grade – A proven solution!
Quik•Grade – A proven solution! We created Quik•Grade to eliminate grade level errors. We’re proud to say we
Benefits of Quik•Grade
Benefits of Quik•Grade: Transits and laser levels have been utilized in construction for years. They require expertise and
How Quik•Grade works
How Quik•Grade works: Quik•Grade is the smart grade rod that eliminates human error and manual calculations, saving you